Input Management

Finch provides its own input management via the class finch.Input. An instance of this class describes a single input for some operator. An input can have multiple versions, described by the class finch.Input.Version. Every such version contains the same data, but stores it differently.

Creating a new Input

We can create a new input by creating a new instance of The constructor takes a source, which is a function taking a object and returning a xarray.Dataset. The returned dataset serves as the input for some operator and its content must always be the same with every call to the source function. The version argument will be passed when we want to create a new version of the input. This allows the source function to efficiently output the requested version of the input. It is not expected that the output of the source function matches the requested version. However, those version properties which won’t match will be transformed in some default manner, which might be less efficient than what would be possible. For example, loading the correct chunks directly from some source file is more efficient than loading the data with some arbitrary chunking and rechunking afterwards. Besides the actual source, we must also provide a (complete) version object, which describes the default output of the source.

from import Version, Format

def foo_source(version):
    return"foo.grib", ["P", "T"], chunks=version.chunks)

foo_version = Input.Version(
    chunks={k:-1 for k in list("xyz")},

foo = Input("foo", foo_source, foo_version)

Creating new Versions

We can easily create a new version of our input with the function The new version will be stored in our input’s directory inside the finch input data store. When adding a new version, finch will try to retrieve an already existing version which can be used to construct the new version. If there is no such preexisting version, it will use the source to construct the new version. The name of a new version will be automatically generated. However, the name is only really used for storing the data.

zarr = Input.Version(
    chunks={"x": 10, "y": -1, "z": -1},


If you don’t care about certain version properties, you can omit them in the constructor. They will then be set according to the version which was used for loading the data.

netcdf = Input.Version(


Additionally, if you already have an input ready which you want to add, you can provide it with the data argument. However, keep in mind that you are responsible yourself that your data matches the version you provide. If you provide the data yourself, the version can no longer have any unset attributes.

netcdf_explicit = Input.Version(
    chunks={"x": 10, "y": -1, "z": -1},

data, _ = foo.get_version(netcdf_explicit)
foo.add_version(version, data)

Retrieving Versions

As explained previously, finch stores its versions in a directory specified by the name of the input. When we create a new object, finch will take a look at this directory, if it already exists, to collect previously added versions. No data will be loaded at this step. Afterwards, you can see which versions were loaded via

version_list = foo.list_versions()
# version_list contains all previously added versions for inputs named "foo"

In order to get access to the data via a xarray.Dataset, you can request a specific version with the Finch will then browse the existing versions and search for a match, which it will output as a dataset. A object is used for querying. Unset attributes won’t be considered. By default, no perfect match is required. Instead, finch will also find versions, whose chunks can be combined to the requested chunking configuration. This mechanism removes the need for perfectly matching versions every time without any noticeable performance impact.

netcdf_big = Input.Version(
    chunks={"x": 30},
# netcdf_big can be derived from netcdf_explicit
data, out_version = foo.get_version(netcdf_big)
assert out_version == netcdf_big

If finch didn’t find a match, by default a new version will be created from the source (without adding it).

transposed = Input.Version(
# this will create a new version
data, out_version = foo.get_version(transposed)
assert out_version.format == Format.GRIB and \
    out_version.coords and \
    out_version.chunks == foo_version.chunks and \
    out_version.dim_order == "yxz"